More than just good vision
The macula is the central part of the retina - the light sensitive tissue at the back of the eye. This is where your central vision is processed. Macular Degeneration causes progressive macula damage resulting in the gradual loss of central vision whilst peripheral vision can remain unaffected. It is the leading cause of blindness in Australia. One in seven people over the age of 50 are affected in some way and the incidence increases with age*. Early Detection is crucial as sometimes you may not have any symptoms. As part of a comprehensive eye examination we determine your risk factors for developing macular degeneration, test your macula and can digitally image this area to closely monitor any changes. For More information or to book an appointment please Contact Us *Source: Macular Disease Foundation
Glaucoma is an eye condition which is characterised by damage to the optic nerve at the back of your eye. This causes peripheral vision loss and is often, but not always, associated with increased internal eye pressure. Glaucoma is often a silent disease and can present with little to no symptoms so it is important to have regular eye examinations for early detection. As part of a comprehensive consultation we determine your risk factors for developing Glaucoma, check your eye pressure, view your optic nerve in 3D and can digitally image it to monitor for changes. For More information or to book an appointment please Contact Us.
Diabetic retinopathy occurs when the small blood vessels inside the retina at the back of the eye are damaged. This can seriously affect vision and in some cases may even cause blindness. Nearly all patients with Type I diabetes and >60% of patients with Type II diabetes will have some degree of retinopathy. Even if your blood sugar control is good and your vision seems normal you may have some diabetic changes at the back of your eye. These can present as haemorrhages and bleeding and areas of fluid leaking from your blood vessels inside the retina. Anyone with diabetes should have a diabetic eye exam every 12 months. We can digitally image your retina to monitor for changes. Our optometrists have excellent relationships with local GPs and endocrinologists to co-manage your diabetes and ensure you have the best care possible. For More information or to book an appointment please Contact Us.
Dry eye is a common and irritating ocular condition. It is more likely to occur if you have skin Rosacea, if you wear contact lens, spend a lot of time on devices and screens and often worsens with age. Symptoms can include burning, scratchiness or irritation, redness, watering and even blurred vision. Come and see us for a dry eye assessment to for a comprehensive diagnosis to determine the subtype and severity of your dry eye and to advise you on how to manage your symptoms, whether in house or daily at-home maintenance. We can advise you on dietary modifications, environmental factors and a range of treatments including prescribing eye medication if needed. For More information or to book an appointment please Contact Us.
UVA and UVB rays emitted from the sun can damage your eyes. This damage is accumulated the more you are exposed to UV light. This can contribute to conditions such as Cataracts, Macula degeneration, Pterygia and skin cancer. As part of a comprehensive consultation we assess your eyes for UV damage and can advise you how to minimise your exposure. This may include options such as sunglasses, polarized lenses, transition lenses that change colour, clear lenses with a UV coating and contact lenses with UV protection. For More information or to book an appointment please Contact Us.
Australians spend an average of 10 hours and 24 minutes on devices everyday with 65% of people experiencing eyestrain. This may present as;
Neck and shoulder pain
Tired eyes
Blurred vision
Dry/ red eyes
Often we require clear vision at multiple distances including reading, computers, laptops and office spaces. At IC optometrist we have access to every brand of anti-strain, extended focus and office lenses on the market to determine a lens that’s best for you! Digital devices also emit blue light which may disrupt your sleep pattern and rest. We are able to protect your eyes with a special blue light coating applied to your lenses. For More information or to book an appointment please Contact Us. The Vision Council (2016). Eyes over exposed: The Digital Device Dilemma
At IC Optometrist we are dedicated to remain up to date with the latest technological advances to benefit our patients. We provide you with modern services and the latest advice to ensure your eye care needs and expectations are met.
Our Special Instruments room is equipped with technology for OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography), Digital Retinal Photography, Visual field testing for Glaucoma, Non contact Tonometry (eye pressure testing without drops), Goldmann Applanation Tonometry and Pachymetry (measuring your corneal thickness).
For More information or to book an appointment please contact us.
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